Course Listing

If you want students from multiple schools to enroll in your course, there are several options, including: 

  • Keep the course listed in just one unit
  • Cross List
  • Meets Together
  • Create separately listed courses even though they technically will be meeting together (used when the previous options won’t work for technical reasons)
  • Create a non-course opportunity such as a no credit workshop
  • Allow students to enroll in independent study credits under specific faculty

Tuition dollars flow 
differently for cross-listed and meet-together options. Tuition is comprised of two components: tuition from enrollment, and tuition from instruction. The amounts related to both components are different depending on the student's level.  

  • Undergraduates: 50% enrollment; 50% instruction.
  • Graduates: 75% enrollment; 25% instruction.
  • Candidates: 100% enrollment; 0% instruction.

In cross-listed classes, instructional tuition is attributed only to the one Home Unit of record.  The Registrar’s Office sets this up based on input from people in the unit.

In meet-together classes, the instructional tuition is attributed based on the ratio of the unit who owns each section over the total number of students enrolled.  Therefore, instructional tuition may be attributed to multiple units. For example, if there is a meet together class for statistics, and both Kinesiology and Public Health students are sitting together in the same class, the tuition attribution system will first divide the number of Kinesiology students by the total number of students, multiply that percent by the associated instructional tuition dollars, and attribute it to Kinesiology.  Then it will divide the number of Public Health students by the total, multiply that by the same instructional tuition dollars and attribute it to Public Health.