Co-teaching Checklist

There will be many teaching philosophies and variations among co-instructors for IPE courses.

IPE courses require interactive teaching in which students learn from, with and about each other’s perspectives and areas of expertise.  This philosophy should also be modeled in the co-teaching of IPE courses.  We encourage you to use this checklist to discuss varying teaching philosophies, expectations, and curriculum with your co-instructors.

Expectations Regarding:

  • Attendance
  • Lateness
  • Absentee Policies (any number that may result in fail grade)
  • Make-up work for Absences
  • Electronic device and phone use in class
  • Class participation expectations
  • Class norms

Syllabus Development:

  • Core statements desired by each school
  • Learning Objectives
  • Anticipated Competency Outcomes
  • Assigned Readings and Policies


  • Individual and/or group
  • Types: papers, presentations, projects
  • Late submission policy


  • Use of Grading Rubrics
  • Philosophy of grading: curve, distribution of grades, pass/fail
  • Ensuring consistency in grading across various co-faculty

Structure of Class:

  • Plan to make class interactive per IPE guidelines
  • Expectations regarding co-faculty presence in each class
  • Lead faculty role as appropriate
  • Co-faculty role as appropriate
  • Use of guest speakers