Collaboration Checklist

Members of planning groups come from different schools and have different backgrounds, knowledge, perspectives, skills, unique best practices and organizational practices.

Therefore, it is encouraged that any planning group spends time to thoughtfully consider the workgroups core principles and values and to specifically identify ground rules and define how the planning work of the group will be done.  This checklist serves to provide suggestions to consider.

Core IPE Principles

Simply having two or more disciplines in a course does not make it and IPE course.

Planning members will have an:

  • Understanding and commitment to core  IPE philosophy, principles and values of learning with, from and about one another
  • Commitment to integrate IPE philosophy into proposed course design and implementation

Group Process and Engagement Norms

  • Mutual respect and valuing of all voices and contributions
  • Discussion of hierarchy/non-hierarchy and leadership/equal collaborator decisions
  • Consider assigning group roles as appropriate: facilitator, time-keeper, minute taker, agenda setting and whether these will be rotating or ongoing
  • Define group decision-making process: consensus, majority vote
  • Expectations regarding workgroup time commitment
  • Expectations about meeting attendance
  • Expectations regarding work preparation outside of meetings
  • Expectations regarding division of work
  • Develop time-line for planning
  • Determine meeting frequency, schedule, and location

Communication Plan

  • Consider creating MCommunity workgroup email group
  • Consider use of Google Doc to assist with shared planning documents

Scholarly Expectations