Organizational and Administrative Checklist

Course planning and teaching assignment processes vary by each school and you will need to discuss IPE course planning with the appropriate offices and individuals at each participating school.  This checklist provides suggestions of items to consider.

School Specific Approval:

Discuss IPE Course with

  • Associate Dean of Education
  • Curriculum Committee
  • Registrar
  • Division Heads/Specialty Lead Staff


  • Will course be offered during health science schools agreed upon “Health Science Schools IPE Window
  • Coordination of course scheduling among participating schools takes much advanced planning (possibly up to one year ahead)
  • Identify and reserve appropriate classroom meeting space

Teaching, Workload and Financial Considerations:

  • Discuss workload policies and considerations regarding co-teaching within your school
  • Discuss school specific revenue issues related to shared courses

Course Listing Considerations:

  • Will course be listed in one school only with students from other schools registering only through one school
  • Will course be cross-listed in multiple schools with different course numbers
  • Develop description of the course including IPE focus
  • Will equal space be reserved for students from each school or will numbers vary by each school


The Center for Interprofessional Education posts a list of all known IPE offerings, so it is important to be sure your course is listed with them. You might also consider adding specific information about the IPE nature of your course in the course listing to attract students who are seeking an IPE experience.